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Bel Air Maintenance for South Florida Properties

Beautiful Property Maintenance in South Florida

Bel Air Maintenance has provided high-quality property maintenance services to South Florida since 2000. Our list of services for clients in the Sunshine State includes pressure cleaning for residential and commercial properties, janitorial service, and tree watering to take care of your major plant life. We’re dedicated to performing each service, ensuring it’s up to our high standards. It’s important to us that you receive the professional care you deserve. You can always expect exceptional efficiency and the highest level of professionalism in every task, and we guarantee to exceed your expectations. Our team manages projects with expert skill and years of experience, and our commercial pressure cleaning has benefited businesses in multiple cities and property management companies throughout South Florida. Trust your property is I good hands with the pros at Bel Air Maintenance!

Tree Watering

Your property’s trees require attention just like the rest of the grounds. Keep them in good health by ensuring they stay hydrated with our tree watering service. We regularly supply your towering plant life with clean, clean water, based on a schedule of visits that works with your needs.

Exterior Cleaning & Maintenance

We provide pressure cleaning for residential and commercial properties, including buildings, siding, sidewalks, and other structures. The pressurized stream effectively cleans off dirt, stains, gum, food residue, and much more, leaving you with a squeaky-clean surface. It works on wood, metal, brick, vinyl siding, concrete, asphalt, and additional materials.

Interior Cleaning & Maintenance

Our janitorial services keep the inside of your business, church, or office in excellent condition. We offer a full range of cleaning and maintenance services, including trash service, floor and carpet cleaning, bathroom and kitchen cleanup, windows, and more. You can concentrate on your workload, and we’ll take care of the building’s cleanliness and order.

A Long History of Widespread Service

Besides our collection of city contracts, we hold agreements with some of the largest property management companies in Broward County. On average, we pressure clean 75 properties, subdivisions, and communities every year for those companies. Bring our substantial experience to your residential or commercial maintenance project by calling Bel Air Maintenance today for property maintenance in South Florida. We’ll gladly give you a free estimate on the services you need.